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Statistical models

Overview table

Here is an overview of the statistical models discussed in the course.

Statistical network models
When Which approach Function
Dependent vertex attribute explained by a network weight matrix and a matrix of covariates Network autocorrelation model
A statistic on a single network Conditional Uniform Graph test
Association between two networks QAP
A valued dependent network explained by one or more explanatory networks QAP linear model
A binary dependent network explained by one or more explanatory networks QAP logistic model
A binary or valued dependent network explained by a set of endogenous and exogenous variables Exponential random graph models

Network autocorrelation models

The network autocorrelation model is run through the snafun::stat_nam function. The implementation is appropriate for continuous dependent variables.

The basic function call is as follows:

  data = list(),
  W2 = NULL,
  model = c("lag", "error", "combined"),
  Durbin = FALSE,
  quiet = TRUE,
  zero.policy = TRUE,
  check_vars = TRUE


  • formula is a formula of the form DEP ~ EXO1 + EXO2 + EXO3 or DEP ~ . This follows the standard way of formulating formulas in R. Run ?stats::formula in your console for details.

  • data is a data.frame or a list containing the variables to be included into the model.

  • W is a matrix of the same dimension as the network, containing the weights that drive the network influence process (for the lag model) or the network disturbances process (for the error model).

  • W2 is a matrix of the same dimension as the network, containing the weights that drive the network disturbances when running a combined model.

An intercept is added to the model by default, it is best to NOT include this as a separate exogenous variable.

The weigh matrix (matrices) is (are) row-normalized by this function. If you want to run the model using non-standardized weight matrices, use the sna::lnam function instead.

The snafun package provides a useful stat_nam_summary method (that shows you an overview of the results) and a plot_nam method (that you use to check model assumptions).

Conditional Uniform graphs (CUG)

There are two methods to perform a conditional Uniform graph test.

The first is to generate the graphs manually and calculate the measures on each graph. Generation of these graphs can be done using snafun::create_random_graph (which conditions on size and density). The equivalent functions in sna are sna::rgraph and sna::rgnm (note that these generate a matrix, rather than an igraph or network graph). See the data generation table for these functions.

The second approach is to use a function that does the graph generation and computes the network measure for you. The preferred is sna::cugtest, which is specified as follows:

sna::cug.test(g, FUN, mode = c("digraph", "graph"), cmode = c("size",
    "edges", "dyad.census"), reps = 1000,
    ignore.eval = TRUE, FUN.args = list())

See the sna help function for details.


  • FUN is the function that needs to be calculated on each graph

  • FUN.args contains any arguments that are required for the function you specified in FUN

  • cmode determines the type of graphs that are drawn (ie. what you condition on). The options are

    • “size”: this generates graphs with a particular size and density 0.5. You rarely want this.

    • “edges”: this conditions on a specific edge count (or an exact edge value distribution)

    • “dyad.census”: this conditions on a dyad census (or dyad value distribution)

For example, in order to test whether the transitivity in your graph g is exceptional for a network of the same size and density as in g, you would run

sna::cug.test(g, sna::gtrans, cmode = "edges")

It is wise to always explicitly tell the function whether your graph is directed or not, so a better way to specify the previous function is

sna::cug.test(g, mode = "graph", FUN = sna::gtrans,
              cmode = "edges", reps = 1000,
              FUN.args = list(mode = "graph"))

Testing the betweenness centralization of you network g could be performed as follows, again conditioning on size and density:

              FUN.arg=list(FUN = sna::betweenness),

There is also a useful plot method for the result of the CUG test.

The huuuuuge downside of the cug.test function is that it only takes specific input graps (perferably in matrix-format) and only allows one to test with functions implemented within the sna package. However, snafun can fix that. You only need to construct a simple function with the following structure (yes, always start the function with x <- snafun::fix_cug_input(x, directed = directed), this fixes some peculiarities related to the sna::cug.test function):

trans_f <- function(x, directed = FALSE) {
  x <- snafun::fix_cug_input(x, directed = directed)

and you can now test for transitivity with ANY graph that works with snafun::g_transitivity(x) (which includes most formats you’ll work with). Then, perform the CUG test as follows:

              mode = "graph", 
              FUN = trans_f, 
              cmode = "edges", 
              reps = 200)

Et voila. It simply works.

Wanna use a more involved measure that doesn’t exist in the sna package anyway? Sure, this is how you run a CUG test on the number of walktrap communities in the graph:

walk_num <- function(x, directed = FALSE) {
  x <- snafun::fix_cug_input(x, directed = directed)
  snafun::extract_comm_walktrap(x) |> length()

sna::cug.test(graph_object, mode = "graph", FUN = walk_num, cmode = "edges", reps = 200)

As said, snafun puts the FUN straight into SNA.

QAP test

There are two methods to perform a QAP test.

The first is to manually permute the graph. Generation of these graphs can be done using igraph::permute or sna::rmperm. See the data generation table for these functions.

The second approach is to use a function that does the graph permutation and computes the required measure (typically a correlation) for you. The preferred is sna::qaptest, which is specified as follows:

sna::qaptest(g, FUN, reps = 1000, ...)

See the sna help function for details.


  • FUN is the function that needs to be calculated after each permutation

  • ... contains any arguments that are required for the function you specified in FUN

Typically, you want to test the correlation between two graphs, as follows:

sna::qaptest(list(firstNetwork, secondNetwork),
             FUN = sna::gcor, reps = 1000,
             g1 = 1, g2 = 2)

There is a useful summary method and a plot method for the output of the function.

QAP linear regression

QAP linear regression is performed through the sna::netlm function. The function looks as follows:

sna::netlm(y, x, intercept = TRUE, mode = "digraph",
    nullhyp = "qapspp", reps = 1000)

Make sure to always set intercept = TRUE and nullhyp = "qapspp". For small networks, 1000 replications should be enough, for larger networks you should typically use a higher number (say, 2000).

As an example, this is how you specify a model where graph g is modeled as a linear function of graphs g1, g2, and g3.

mod <- sna::netlm(y = g, x = list(g1, g2, g3), intercept = TRUE,
                              nullhyp = 'qapspp', reps = 1001)
mod$names <- c("Intcpt", "Net1", "Net2", "Net3")

It is wise to add the names of the networks to the output object, like you see above. That is not strictly necessary, but it makes the output of the function easier to read.

QAP logistic regression

QAP logistic regression is performed through the sna::netlogit function. The function looks as follows:

sna::netlogit(y, x, intercept = TRUE, mode = "digraph",
    nullhyp = "qapspp", reps = 1000)

Make sure to always set intercept = TRUE and nullhyp = "qapspp". For small networks, 1000 replications should be enough, for larger networks you should typically use a higher number (say, 2000).

As an example, this is how you specify a model where binary graph g is modeled as a function of graphs g1, g2, and g3.

mod <- sna::netlogit(g, list(g1, g2, g3),
                     intercept = TRUE,
                     nullhyp = "qapspp", reps = 1001)
mod$names <- c("Intcpt", "Net1", "Net2", "Net3")