Plots the Goodness of fit for the output of a model of class ergm or btergm

  median_include = TRUE,
  median_col = "black",
  median_lwd = 2,
  median_lty = "solid",
  mean_include = TRUE,
  mean_col = "black",
  mean_lwd = 1,
  mean_lty = "dashed",



A gof model object for a fitted ergm or btergm model


logical, should the median be included? Default is TRUE


character, name of the color to plot the median in.


number, width of the line for the median.


what line type should be used to plot the median. Line types can either be specified as an integer (0 = blank, 1 = solid (default), 2 = dashed, 3 = dotted, 4 = dotdash, 5 = longdash, 6 = twodash) or as one of the character strings "blank", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dotdash", "longdash", or "twodash", where "blank" uses ‘invisible lines’ (i.e., does not draw them).


logical, should the mean be included? Default is TRUE. Ignored if gof is the gof of an ergm.


character, name of the color to plot the mean in.


number, width of the line for the mean.


what line type should be used to plot the medn. Default is "dashed".


additional arguments. When, gof is an ergm gof object, it will be passed to the boxplot function (really only somewhat potentially useful to set color in the border argument). For a btergm gof, it is passed to the plot.gof function of the btergm package.


Plots displaying the Goodness of Fit


This function plots the goodness-of-fit of unipartite Exponential Random Graphs Models or BTERGM models.

It does not process bipartite ERGMs model objects nor other types of Exponential random graph models object.

The graphical arguments for this function are only used when a btergm gof object is passed, since the ergm gof object does not support the setting of graphical arguments (with the exception of the ... argument).

See also

Other statistics functions: stat_ef_int(), stat_plot_gof_as_btergm()


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
### ergm model
data(florentine, package = "snafun")
flom <- to_network(florentine$flomarriage)
m_ergm <- ergm::ergm(flom ~ edges + nodecov("Wealth"))
gof_ergm <- ergm::gof(m_ergm)

### btergm model
data(alliances, package = "SNA4DSData")
m_btergm <- btergm::btergm(allianceNets ~ edges + 
  gwesp(0, fixed = TRUE) +
  edgecov(lastYearsSharedPartners) + 
  edgecov(militaryDisputes) + 
  nodecov("polity") +
  nodecov("Composite_Index_National_Capability") + 
  absdiff("polity") + 
  absdiff("Composite_Index_National_Capability") +
  R = 10, # number of bootstraps
  parallel = "snow", ncpus = 16  # optional line

# gof with on;y 10 simulations to keep time for the example low
gof_btergm <- btergm:::gof.btergm(m_btergm, nsim = 10)
stat_plot_gof(gof_btergm, median_include = FALSE)
stat_plot_gof(gof_btergm, mean_col = "green", mean_lwd = 4, mean_lty = "dotted")
stat_plot_gof(gof_btergm, mean_include = FALSE, median_col = "orange")
stat_plot_gof(gof_btergm, mean_include = FALSE, median_include = FALSE)
} # }