The network is based on the 32 soccer teams that participated in the World Championship soccer in Paris, 1998. Players of the national team often have contracts in other countries. This constitutes a players market where national teams "export" players to other countries. Members of the 32 teams had contracts in 36 countries.

data(soccer98, package = "snafun")


Object of class network of size 36, directed, weighted, named.


Data collected by Lothar Krempel, October 5, 1999. Transformed in Pajek format by V. Batagelj, February 9, 2001. Raw data are available at Pajek datasets.


The vertices are of the network are the 36 countries that players of these national teams play in. The senders are the countries that export players, the receivers are the countries that import players.

The edge weights *i, j* represent the number of players of nationality *i* that play in country *j* at the time of the World Championship.

There exist countries that are only exporters: Yugoslavia, Chile, Cameroon, Nigeria, ... Some other countries are only importers: Spain, France, Turkey, Greece, GBR...