Remove parts of the graph
remove_edge_attribute(x, attr_name)
remove_vertex_attribute(x, attr_name)
remove_graph_attribute(x, attr_name)
graph, without the removed elements
: remove an edge attribute from the graph
: remove an edge weight attribute from the graph.
If x
is a matrix, this function will dichotomize
it by turning every non-zero cell into a 1.
: remove a vertex attribute from the graph
: remove a graph attribute from the graph
: remove vertex names from the graph
data(emon, package = "network")
texas <- emon$Texas
remove_edge_attribute(texas, "Frequency")
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 25
#> directed = TRUE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> total edges= 186
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 186
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> Command.Rank.Score Decision.Rank.Score Formalization Location Paid.Staff Sponsorship Volunteer.Staff vertex.names
#> No edge attributes
remove_vertex_attribute(texas, "Formalization")
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 25
#> directed = TRUE
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> total edges= 186
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 186
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> Command.Rank.Score Decision.Rank.Score Location Paid.Staff Sponsorship Volunteer.Staff vertex.names
#> Edge attribute names:
#> Frequency
remove_graph_attribute(texas, "directed")
#> Network attributes:
#> vertices = 25
#> hyper = FALSE
#> loops = FALSE
#> multiple = FALSE
#> total edges= 186
#> missing edges= 0
#> non-missing edges= 186
#> Vertex attribute names:
#> Command.Rank.Score Decision.Rank.Score Formalization Location Paid.Staff Sponsorship Volunteer.Staff vertex.names
#> Edge attribute names:
#> Frequency
texas_i <- to_igraph(texas)
remove_edge_attribute(texas_i, "Frequency")
#> IGRAPH dfd4e3c DN-- 25 186 --
#> + attr: name (v/c), vertex.names (v/c), Sponsorship (v/c), Paid.Staff
#> | (v/n), Volunteer.Staff (v/n), Location (v/c), Formalization (v/n),
#> | Decision.Rank.Score (v/n), Command.Rank.Score (v/n)
#> + edges from dfd4e3c (vertex names):
#> [1] US.Army.MAST..Ft..Sam.Houston. ->Texas.Highway.Patrol
#> [2] US.Army.MAST..Ft..Sam.Houston. ->Bandera.County.Sheriffs.Office
#> [3] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->US.Army.MAST..Ft..Sam.Houston.
#> [4] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->Texas.Highway.Patrol
#> [5] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->Texas.State.Parks.and.Wildlife
#> [6] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->Texas.State.Highway.Department
#> + ... omitted several edges
remove_vertex_attribute(texas_i, "Formalization")
#> IGRAPH dfd4e3c DN-- 25 186 --
#> + attr: name (v/c), vertex.names (v/c), Sponsorship (v/c), Paid.Staff
#> | (v/n), Volunteer.Staff (v/n), Location (v/c), Decision.Rank.Score
#> | (v/n), Command.Rank.Score (v/n), Frequency (e/n)
#> + edges from dfd4e3c (vertex names):
#> [1] US.Army.MAST..Ft..Sam.Houston. ->Texas.Highway.Patrol
#> [2] US.Army.MAST..Ft..Sam.Houston. ->Bandera.County.Sheriffs.Office
#> [3] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->US.Army.MAST..Ft..Sam.Houston.
#> [4] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->Texas.Highway.Patrol
#> [5] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->Texas.State.Parks.and.Wildlife
#> [6] Division.of.Disaster.Emergency.Services->Texas.State.Highway.Department
#> + ... omitted several edges