Makes a node list from row data.

make_nodelist(names = NULL, attribute = NULL)



A data frame with N columns where the first one has the survey respondents (edge origin), and the other columns express the destination of the edge


A vector with information about the node attribute provided in the same order as column one of the names data frame


a vector of nodes names or a data frame with nodes names and one node attribute #'


This function processes row network data producing a list of nodes. The function returns a vector if only `nodes` argument is specified and a data frame if the `attribute` argument is specified too. If only the argument `names` is specified, the function returns a vector with the complete list of nodes named in the row data (respondents and alters). If both the arguments `names` and `attribute` are specified, the function returns a data frame with the complete list of nodes named in the survey, in column one, and the attributes of these nodes in column two. If the attribute information about the alter is unknown the value is reported as a missing data.

It is not possible to process more than one attribute at the time.

The function takes only data frames as input for the argument `names` and vectors for the argument `attribute`. The user should provide the values of names and attributes in the same order. If an attribute is missing it will be shown as 0 if numeric, or as FALSE if categorical.

NOTE: Double check the attribute vector before passing it to the function. If the attribute vector is shorter than the number of respondent names the function will still run, but the output might be incorrect.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
namedf <- data.frame(respondent = c('A', 'B', 'C'),
                      alter1 = c('D', 'C', 'A'),
                      alter2 = c('B', 'A', 'A') )
attributeV <- c(1:3)

nodelist <-  make_nodelist(names =  namedf, attribute = attributeV)
} # }