The vulnerability of a network, in terms of the vanishing of of a path between vertices.

g_vuln_paths(g, mode = c("all", "out", "in"), weight = NULL, digits = 3)



graph, as an object of class igraph, network, or matrix


Character constant, gives whether the shortest paths to or from the vertices should be calculated for directed graphs. If out then the shortest paths in the direction of the edges is taken, if in then paths will go against the direction of the edge. If all, the default, then the corresponding undirected graph will be used, ie. edge direction is not taken into account. This argument is ignored for undirected graphs.


Possibly a numeric vector giving edge weights. If this is NULL–which is the default–and the graph has a weight edge attribute, then the attribute is used in the calculation of the distances. If this is NA then no weights are used (even if the graph has a weight attribute).


number of decimals for vuln_prop.


a data.frame with a score per vertex


When a vertex is removed from the network, some other vertices might not be able to reach each other anymore. This algorithm calculates the number of pairs of vertices that can no longer reach each other without vertex i in the network, but that were able to reach each other with i in the network.

More formally, we compare the number of pairs of vertices that do not have some connecting path before and after removing vertex i. The function returns this change score for each vertex. The ith value is the number of pairs of vertices that become disconnected when vertex i is removed from the network (leaving everything else the same).

The output includes a column vuln_prop that is the ratio of the number of disconnected pairs after after removing the vertex and that before removing it ( correcting for the paths to and from i). For example, if this ratio is 1.5, then the number of disconnected pairs of vertices increases by 50 after removing vertex i (discarding of the paths to and from i itself). A score of 1 means that there is no effect on the vertex-pair disconnectedness when the vertex is removed from the graph. A value of Inf occurs when all vertices were connected before i was removed, but after removing i some became disconnected. This makes the proportion Infinite since the number is relative to the original number of disconnected vertices, which was 0.


This function is inspired by swan_connectivity. However, that function is incorrect when the network is not fully connected. Moreover, it does not correct for the ties to and from the vertex that is deleted.

The implementation in the snafun package corrects this. In addition, it is more robust and more useful.

See also

Other vulnerability measures: g_vuln_attack(), g_vuln_efficiency()